Nikki Sommers
Working with coach Jon has been really good this year. I definitely have a tendancy to overtrain, or train inefficiently. Having someone with the experience and expertise to guide me through a program, and tell me when to rest has been great!
Last year I had a great year; I had 6 months off work, lived in the Alps and trained as and when I pleased; it wasn’t surprising to get a massive PB in my A race at the end of the summer. This year I wanted to continue to improve, and also had to go back to working long hours and working shifts. I wanted my training to be effective, and to count; it definitely has!
Completing an early season ultramarathon, and then going on to race strongly in an ironman 4 months later, having stayed well and injury-free throughout, is definitely a testament to Jon’s good coaching!
I didn't think I would like coaching via a website but actually it has been great. Logging all my training in this way suits my OCD-type personality, and it is good to be able to look back over the training that I have done.
Having focused swim sessions (plus coming to SwimRev whilst I was in Sheffield) has helped my swimming to continue to improve, and meant that I got a PB in every swim in every race that I did this year!
Focused training has definitely allowed me to use my time wisely. Strength work has never been a part of my training until this year; it has been really good in helping to stay injury-free.
Coaching has helped me to feel mentally and physically well-prepared for my big race; I went into it knowing I could not have prepped better, and felt confident lining up at the start.
I now have several ambitions for 2018; I'd like to race in the ETU LD champs; try to get a medal (going up into next age-group; more competitive).
Get sub-11hr in ironman (then eventually sub-10… when I can run fast…)
2019 or 2020; go to the ITU World LD champs; try to get a medal.
2019; aim for top 10 in slateman (can’t race it next year as clashes with Cape Wrath)
And, most important, keep having fun and stay injury-free!
If you're thinking of getting a coach, try working with #TeamTCUK for a season and see what you think! Be realistic with how much time you have to train, and how much you can fit in!