Lanza 2020 training camp: review
31st March 2020 - 13:53 ">
Thinking of taking part in our annual Lanza training camps next year? Experienced triathlete Ed Crisp, a training camp first timer, gives his review of the experience and it's safe to say he'll be back! Over to Ed...
Lanzarote 2020: Ego not required
I have been dabbling in triathlon for around 12 years with no particular plan other than making sure that in my training I covered the required distance for the events I fancied doing. I have a number under my belt at sprint and Olympic distance and one half iron distance which after completion I said “never again” fast forward a couple of years the event dates are released and I get a niggling doubt that my previous performance at half iron distance left something to be desired.

I signed up with Matt and the team at TCUK at the end of 2019 with a plan to keep me motivated through the grim winter months and improve on my previous performance at the Nottingham Outlaw Half (and also to show my younger siblings there’s life in the old dog yet)
Through the train Xhale app I received a message from Matt, what you doing on the 5th of March?? Sounded like a loaded question to me and not sure how to respond.
A place had become available on the first Lanzarote training camp of the year could I make it?? I have mulled the idea of a Tri Training Camp for a while but never actually done anything about it as I’m not exactly a world class triathlete and didn’t feel this was the thing for an athlete of my calibre figuring these things were for Ironmen only.
Fast forward two weeks later and I’m meeting a group of people at the airport all sporting their splendid TCUK hoodies with Matt being the only person I knew. It was clear from the moment I met the group they knew each other but immediately made me feel very welcome.

Here’s me thinking we would arrive at Sands Beach Resort in Lanzarote, get settled in maybe meet in the bar and start training the next day but no I was in for a surprise, Lunch, Bike assembly, Critical Swim Test, Video Swim Analysis and a 5km orientation run. When I say surprise, it was in a good way, this is what I’d signed up for.
Some of the awful UK weather had followed us to Lanzarote bringing strong winds that meant our initial bike session had to be cancelled but the ever-resourceful coaching team adjusted the programme to make sure we got the most from our time there.
Each morning commenced with a swim session at first light, followed by breakfast and bike or run with other interesting sessions thrown in for good measure including Strength & Conditioning and stretching. Suffice it to say it was a full programme. During the week I clocked up around 20km in the pool, 500km on the bike and 40km running.

During the sessions the coaching team gave invaluable pointers and were incredibly knowledgeable and helpful in answering questions. Upon returning home to the UK and everyday life and training now my aging body has recovered from the camp I have found myself to be in much better form according to my strava stats smashing a number of personal records on the bike especially on hill climbs and clocking up some respectable run times for 5, 10 and 20 km.
If you have ever considered going to a triathlon training camp, I would highly recommend you speak to Matt and the Team at TCUK. Sands Beach resort is an excellent facility, well equipped and located for a training camp. The team are so welcoming, knowledgeable and encouraging. It doesn’t matter if you are giving it a go for the first time or you are a pro Ironman the TCUK camp is the place for you.

Massive thanks to Matt, Jon, Reece, Ady and all my fellow camp members for encouraging/helping/ waiting for me.