New kit design is here
12th November 2019 - 14:24 ">
NEW ORDER WINDOW OPEN NOW!! Click this link to set up your account or visit the store!
Stop what you're doing and take a look at our brand new kit design for the 2020 season!
After several months of planning, designing and deliberating we're really excited to share the new #TeamTCUK kit design AND let you know we have a new supplier too.

Following a number of recommendations, we've teamed up with Bioracer to deliver an improved shopping and ordering experience that offers excellent quality, value for money clothing.

To visit the new online store, click here:
First off, you'll need to set up your own personal login information. Once completed, you'll arrive in the online store where you'll be able to see the different categories from triathlon and run-specific garments, to mens and womens race and training-specific items, plus sizing information (at the foot on the page).
In the right hand corner of the online store, you'll see a timer counting down to the order window closing. So, every time you visit, you'll know how long you have left to order. Lead times are expected to be 5-6 weeks from the order window closing date.

If you have any questions relating to the new kit, please contact either Kirsten or Matt via email: or